To remove start menu entry -> Go to C:/ProgramsData/Microsoft/Windows/ and delete Anaconda folder or search for anaconda in start menu and right ... ... <看更多>
To remove start menu entry -> Go to C:/ProgramsData/Microsoft/Windows/ and delete Anaconda folder or search for anaconda in start menu and right ... ... <看更多>
I used the standard Windows "uninstaller" to remove anything that had Anaconda anything or Python anything in the name. ... <看更多>
Alias for conda remove. See conda remove --help. OPTIONS. positional arguments: package_name Package names to uninstall from the environment. optional arguments ... ... <看更多>
Sep 29, 2020 - Uninstall anaconda on Windows >> Navigate Your anaconda installed location and then remove/ delete envs and pkgi folders >> Then Navigate to ... ... <看更多>
From command prompt run conda uninstall pandas . Make sure you're in the correct version by navigating to Anaconda 3.6 or 2.7 folder and ... ... <看更多>